News From Our Missionaries
We arrived in Nairobi, Kenya, the end of February. We have been settling into our lives and ministry. Mark is able to be in the field office daily, which helps provide some routine and structure to his work. It also puts him close proximity to several colleagues he works closely with throughout the week. Megan is at the field office three days a week and Tumaini Counselling Centre two days a week, serving other missionaries that live throughout Africa. The big news is that our household items were able to travel across the border! This certainly helps us feel more settled. We are able to make our new house a home as we welcome visitors, build relationships in our new country and rest and rejuvenate from the day's work. We are thankful for all these victories in our missionary service.In Christ,Mark and Megan Mantey+256 787 025762+254 115 952284
To support the work of Mark and Megan Mantey, you may send a tax-deductible gift to: The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Sunday School - Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service - Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m.
Council Meeting - First Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.
Senior Saints - 11:00 a.m., first Tuesday of the month at Taylors Breakfast & Lunch, 1114 Thomas Drive.
Mission League - September 15 following service.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study - Join us for a study of Romans with Pastor Paul, September 24th at 9:30 a.m.
Family Life Ministry at Trinity - Saturday, September 21 from 3:00 to 6:00. 1001 W 11th Street, Panama City.
Congregational Meeting - September 22 following service.
Pot Luck - September 22 following service.
Steak Dinner - December 7. More Details to come.